Eyeview Sri Lanka

AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura concludes Tribute ’23 gala night

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Excellence must be rewarded for the continuation of legacy transcending time. The most prestigious, anticipated, and glamorous night in the calendar of AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ), Tribute ’23 was held at BMICH on the 13th of May.

The annual awarding ceremony was graced by Mr. Janaka Gunesekara, Deputy Managing Director and Mr. Ken Vijaykumar, Deputy General Manager of Human Resources, Purchasing, Administration, and Sustainability, both representing A. Baur & Co. (Pvt) Ltd as Strategic Partner and Prof. Prasad M. Jayaweera as the Chief Guests. The Deluxe Partners System2, PrintXcel Pvt Ltd, Lanka Hospitals and Bronze Partners CA Sri Lanka and Green Electric, Banner Partners Raja Jewellers, Bairaha Farms, Nutrition Partner CBL Samaposha, Hydration Partner Spring Line, Gift Partner Badhuma, Communication Partner Mark And Comm Ltd, and Official University Media Partner J’pura Flames also made presence, staging their support as partners of the event.

The event recognized the best-performing AIESECers for the term 2022/23, accompanied by their parents, in the presence of corporate partners, and other invitees including membership of AIESEC in USJ and representation of the Member Committee of AIESEC in Sri Lanka. The event commenced with an appreciation for parents of the membership of AIESEC in USJ for their unwavering support, and the strength upheld by them throughout their AIESEC journey. 

In total, 32 awards were given to members for their outstanding performance which has driven AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura to rise to great heights and shine brighter as an entity among other local committees. Two young leaders who had displayed unparalleled commitment towards the entity were awarded the utmost esteemed awards of the night. Ms. Dilini Gunarathne for being awarded as the Best Emerging Young Leader and Ms.  Thanushi Perera as the Best Young Leader of AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura for the term 22/23.

Following the awards, the local Committee President for the term 23/24 of AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Ms. Dineli Perera presented the annual report for the term 2022/23 noting the remarkable achievements of the entity. To name a few, AIESEC in USJ was awarded The Most Outstanding Local Committee at NLDS ’22, NatCon ’22, and Natcon ’23, at the national level which is duly the most prestigious award an entity can receive. At the regional level, the award for Lead the Change A2025 was awarded to AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura at the Asia Pacific Summit 2023. 

Ms. Perera concluded her speech by stating that “At AIESEC in USJ, we continue to strive for excellence, to uphold our legacy and commitment towards leading the evolution.” It has always been the ultimate goal for AIESEC in USJ as an entity to drive youth toward excellence.

The most anticipated event of AIESEC in University of Sri Jayewardenepura has yet graced the title of the most prestigious night of the year once more exhibiting the enthusiasm and excitement upheld.

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