Eyeview Sri Lanka

Baurs leadership team honored at the Global CEO Forum 2024

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A. Baur & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., also known as Baurs, reputed for its enduring legacy and impactful contributions to Sri Lanka’s economy for 127 years, announces that its Managing Director/CEO Rolf Blaser and the exceptional management team have been recognized at the prestigious Global CEO Leadership Excellence Awards held on 05 December at ITC Ratnadipa in Colombo.

Seen here is the Baurs leadership team with the awards

Alongside Blaser, Baurs’ senior management team was celebrated for their collective leadership, which has played a vital role in steering the organization through critical periods, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the socio-economic challenges, and the broader economic crisis that has impacted the country over the last four years. The award shines a spotlight on their synergy and commitment driving and steering Baurs’ sustained growth and innovation.

This recognition underscores the resilience, collaboration, and forward-thinking approach that define Baurs’ leadership. The team includes Janaka Gunasekara, Deputy MD/Director of Agriculture; Nishantha Weerasinghe, Deputy MD/Director of Healthcare; Anoja Basnayake, Director of IT; Pavithra Samarasinghe, Director of Finance; Ken Vijayakumar, Senior GM of HR, Administration, Purchasing, and Sustainability; Nilanga Samarasinghe, Senior GM of Agriculture; Dakshina Hettiarachchi, Senior GM of Research and Product Development; Daniela Munasinghe, Senior GM of Tourism and Education; Anura Weerasinghe, GM of Support Services Healthcare and Devapriya Arthanayake, Senior Manager – Industrial Raw Materials.

‘‘This award celebrates the collective spirit and dedication of our team at Baurs. We strive not just to be the best in Sri Lanka, but to be the best for Sri Lanka,’’ said Baurs Managing Director/CEO Rolf Blaser.

Under the visionary leadership of Rolf and the team, Baurs has achieved remarkable milestones. Its healthcare business has doubled in the past four years alone, with partnerships with over half of world’s top 10 pharma giants. Following its instrumental role in Sri Lanka’s sustainable organic agriculture, Baurs has established a Center of Excellence together with diverse stakeholders, and also introduced Super Urea to boost yields and reduce environmental impact. Its Swiss Hotel Management Academy (SHMA) and the Skills for Sustainable Growth (SSG) project are seen as trailblazers in bringing world-class hospitality education for Sri Lanka, among others.

Previously, Rolf Blaser was also named ‘Most Admired CEO of the Year 2022’, including Ken Vijayakumar being recognized as the ‘Most Outstanding HR Business Leader of the Year 2022’. Baurs Director – Information Technology Anoja Basnayake was also featured on the inaugural National CIO List 2023 of Computer Society of Sri Lanka.

Rooted in its Swiss traditions and values, Baurs will continue to be more resilient and stronger with its visionary leadership team leading innovation and forward-thinking approach in the various businesses. The award is truly a testament to the success that stems from the strength of its collective leadership.

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