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Imperial College of Business Studies’ CGMA Finance Leadership Program helps students develop crucial finance and leadership skills

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Imperial College of Business Studies (ICBS), one of the fastest-growing education providers in Sri Lanka, guarantees students significant savings when pursuing the CGMA Finance Leadership Program (CGMA FLP), a self-study learning and assessment pathway that guides students through the CIMA professional qualification in real-time. Designed in a digital-first format, the CGMA FLP empowers students to take control of their career development with an integrated learning and assessment solution written by global professionals.

ICBS offers students a zero cost on their tuition fee which amounts to a total saving of approximately LKR 300,000. To date, ICBS is the very first tuition partner to have coached students through their FLP journey in Sri Lanka. It is also the only tuition partner worldwide with experience of guiding students across 3 exam diets through the FLP route. ICBS’ panel of lecturers have extensive international teaching experience, across multiple countries. ICBS also provides a world-class Learning Management System (LMS) which ensures students have access to learning support 24/7 through a combination of recorded and live classes.

In terms of Standards and Syllabus, both current and FLP routes are founded on the CGMA Competency Framework. They use the same syllabus, teach the same nine competency areas, test the same material and require the same level of proficiency and experience. Learning in CGMA FLP is fully guided through the CGMA FLP digital platform. It is done entirely online in the self-paced digital environment where all learning materials needed to complete the qualification, including exam prep courses are readily available. In Assessments, no Objective Tests take place as learning and assessment happen simultaneously. Multiple-choice questions and open-text Business Simulation Assignments are incorporated into online learning materials and students get to skip material they already know via pre-assessments. During Case Study Exams, both routes include three 3-hour exams which are held at each level of the qualification that learners can take during four windows per year, either at a Pearson Vue testing centre or online. In FLP, learning progress and performance tracking are available 24/7 on an embedded Student Dashboard. It allows the tracking of the student’s pace to expected exam date using the Weekly Goal tool while case study exam results, along with newly acquired skill sets and competencies can be freely viewed. Both routes require learners to log at least three years of verified, relevant, work-based experience in the course of completing the Professional Qualification, thereby ensuring their mastery of real-world accounting, finance and business skills. After completing via either route, students become CIMA members and are awarded the use of CIMA designatory letters (ACMA or FCMA), as well as the CGMA designation.

Since its inception, ICBS has established itself as a leading Business School in Sri Lanka. ICBS’ history dates back to 1985 when it was known as CBS, which was a pioneer in CIMA education in Sri Lanka. ICBS also has the exclusive privilege to train the Sri Lanka Navy and Army for CIMA exams. It is the only institute in Sri Lanka selected by CIMA Sri Lanka division on multiple occasions to conduct “Train The Trainer” (TTT) programme for lecturers from various countries. ICBS was accredited by CIMA (UK) as a ‘Learning Partner Institute’ in 2004, making it one of the first institutes in Sri Lanka to receive this prestigious status, assuring the highest quality of delivery. In addition to CIMA, ICBS is a pioneering education provider for undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications from the University in Scotland (UWS), SQA, and ACCA.

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