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Strengthening English language education in Sri Lanka: British Council, in partnership with HSBC and Ministry of Education marks success of training initiative

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Strengthening English language education in Sri Lanka: British Council, in partnership with HSBC and Ministry of Education marks success of training initiative

The British Council, in collaboration with HSBC and the Ministry of Education, held an Awards Ceremony on Monday, 24 February, to commemorate the successful completion of the English Communication Skills for Remote Delivery Project (ECSRD) 2025. 

The ceremony was attended by over 300 teachers and mentors, and certificates were awarded to 279 teachers and 51 mentors from the Regional English Support Centres (RESCs) island-wide. 

Launched in 2022, the ECSRD Project aimed to enhance the quality of English language education in Sri Lanka, with a special focus on rural areas. By strengthening teachers’ ability to develop and assess listening and speaking skills, the initiative ultimately supports students’ future employment prospects and career ambitions.

The programme provided secondary English language teachers with practical training on how to better integrate speaking and listening activities into their classroom practice. It also equipped them with strategies to leverage the English language school textbooks more effectively for developing these skills.

Teachers were supported by mentors from the 29 Regional English Support Centres (RESCs), who guided them through the nine-month programme. They attended study sessions at their local RESCs and completed portfolio tasks that connected course materials to their real-life classroom teaching.

Since the project’s inception in 2022, 66 RESC mentors from 31 RESCs from all nine provinces in Sri Lanka have been trained to support teacher participants and additionally, 501 English language teachers have received specialised training to improve their ability to develop and assess students’ listening and speaking skills in the classroom.

Nimali Baduraliya, Director of Education (English and Foreign Languages), Ministry of Education – Sri Lanka, said: “This Project has helped to improve assessing listening and speaking skills of English teachers in secondary schools. Teachers have benefited through the project and the improved methodology of the teachers will enhance the students’ listening and speaking skills.”

“The unique feature of this project is that it was delivered through the RESCs located island-wide, where RESC trainers have also benefitted with skills as mentors—and the continuous and constructive feedback has strengthened the skills of teachers in developing and assessing listening and speaking skills.,she added. The initiative taken by HSBC to strengthen teacher capacity development with the British Council is immensely appreciated, since the ultimate beneficiaries of this project are the students who have been provided with opportunities to improve listening and speaking skills, which are fundamental in English communication,” Baduraliya said. 

Mark Surgenor, CEO of HSBC Sri Lanka stated, “We believe that education is the foundation of progress, and English language is a powerful tool for empowerment. Through our partnership with the British Council and Ministry of Education, we are proud to have supported teachers in upskilling their English language proficiency, enabling them to better guide and inspire students.” 

“By equipping educators with the right tools, we are ensuring that the next generation gains the language skills necessary to enhance their employability and thrive in a globalised market for talent,” he added. “This initiative reflects our commitment to investing in the future of our communities and fostering long-term economic growth.” 

Orlando Edwards, Country Director, British Council Sri Lanka, commenting on the success of the initiative, said: “The British Council, together with HSBC and the Ministry of Education, is proud to see the very positive impact of the ECSRD Project.” 

“By equipping mentors with advanced mentoring and assessment skills, we’re ensuring quality English teaching, particularly in rural areas. This initiative aligns with Sri Lanka’s broader education goals, ensuring that the methodologies we introduce are relevant, sustainable, and scalable. Today’s awards ceremony is not just a recognition of teachers’ dedication—it marks the beginning of a stronger, more confident English teaching community in Sri Lanka.”

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