Set to be the catalyst for Sri Lanka’s economic recovery, Port City Colombo (PCC) continues to move closer to completion and delivering on its promises. To foster goodwill and seek blessings in this endeavour, PCC held an all-night, Maha Pirith Chanting ceremony on the 6th of May 2023, followed by a Multifaith Blessing and Almsgiving on the 7th of May.

The event was timely and significant, coinciding with the Celebration of Vesak, and attended by the Chief Prelates of the four main Buddhist Chapters in Sri Lanka. They were joined on the 7th of May by other religious leaders representing Sri Lanka’s main religious communities, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, for a joint session of prayer and invocation of blessings on PCC and Sri Lanka as a whole. Key representatives from the Government of Sri Lanka, high-profile foreign dignitaries, and members from the private and public sectors were several who attended the event.

Considering this auspicious and momentous occasion, Dr Priyath B. Wickrama, Acting Director General of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission (Commission), expressed his profound thoughts. He emphasized that “as Sri Lanka embarks on a journey of economic recovery, the Port City Colombo SEZ assumes a pivotal role as a catalyst for attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country. Port City Colombo, as part of the Sovereign territory of Sri Lanka, stands as one of the most ambitious and promising projects in the history of Sri Lanka, poised to become a thriving economic hub in the region. With its strategic location and cutting-edge infrastructure, the PCC possesses immense potential to attract foreign investments, generate employment opportunities, and make substantial contributions to Sri Lanka’s GDP. The investor-friendly regulatory framework designed specifically for the PCC aims to establish Sri Lanka as a preferred destination for foreign investment. Therefore, the inaugural blessing bestowed upon this momentous event holds great significance.”
Thulci Aluwihare, Deputy Managing Director at CHEC Port City Colombo stated, “We are privileged to host this auspicious event, together with Colombo Port City Economic Commission, to invoke blessings on the Port City Colombo project and Sri Lanka. Port City Colombo is a development project that aims to provide an international platform and global access to all Sri Lankans. We envision a united future of prosperity where there are no divisions, and everyone can reap the benefits of PCC equitably. We believe in meritocracy and are committed to providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of background. Thus, our Pirith Chanting ceremony and Multifaith Almsgiving are symbolic of our commitment to building a better future for all Sri Lankans, together with the Commission.”
The Pirith Chanting ceremony and Multifaith Blessings for Port City Colombo symbolize Sri Lanka’s collective hopes and continued success regarding the significant positive economic impact expected from PCC. With its strategic location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and investor-friendly regulatory framework, Single Window Investment Facilitation, PCC has the potential to transform Sri Lanka’s economic landscape and make it a preferred destination for foreign investment. PCC remains committed to achieving its stated objectives and delivering on its promises, positioning Sri Lanka as the gateway to South Asia.