Eyeview Sri Lanka

Kingslake-Infor seminar addresses warehouse management concerns with expert insight on navigating inventory challenges

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Kingslake, Sri Lanka’s leading manufacturing solutions provider, is celebrating the success of its “Tackling Warehouse Management Challenges” seminar, held recently at the Hilton Residences Colombo. The well-attended event brought together top industry professionals under one roof to discuss the ever-changing landscape of warehouse management, with the common goal to navigate and overcome the challenges that often arise in the field.

Successful warehousing plays a key role in the profitability of any business, and in a constantly evolving, fast-paced business world, the need for efficient warehouse management cannot be overstated. In turn, the need to invest in specialised Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) software that supports and optimizes warehouse functionality and distribution center management has become even more pressing.

Led by Kingslake VP- Pre Sales, Mohamed Sheriffdeen, the seminar spoke to attendees of the key challenges faced by warehouse managers, and guided them through the journey of overcoming them. Problems involving inventory accuracy, labour management, order fulfillment efficiency, and the need for real-time visibility into operations were discussed. Mr. Sheriffdeen emphasised the pivotal role robust software solutions play in not just solving these challenges, but also steering the warehouse toward efficiency and sustainability.

Infor WMS is one such cutting-edge Supply Chain Management Solution designed to optimize warehouse operations, enhance visibility, and improve overall efficiency. As part of the programme, Mr. Sheriffdeen also demonstrated how this software can be customized to meet the unique needs of different warehouses; regardless of size or complexity. Drawing from real-world success stories, he showcased how with the implementation of Infor WMS, organizations have transformed their Logistics & Supply Chain processes to experience significant improvements in accuracy, labour costs, and order fulfillment.

One of the highlights of the seminar was when participants were given the opportunity to network with industry peers. The event facilitated meaningful connections and discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations. 

Duleep Fernando, CEO of Kingslake, expressed his delight at the resounding success of the seminar. “Kingslake understands the complexities businesses face, which have only become more pronounced in recent times,” he said. “Kingslake’s commitment to partnering with leading solution providers to implement cutting-edge technology ensures that businesses in the region can enjoy the technological benefits essential for staying competitive in today’s evolving landscape.”

Recognized for its commitment to innovation and excellence in the manufacturing and logistics industries, Kingslake has long set the stage for the insightful exploration of the challenges and triumphs within the world of logistics management. As warehouses continue to evolve and face new challenges, events like these provide a platform for professionals to stay ahead of the curve.

About Kingslake

Kingslake has been creating and implementing world class software solutions for the manufacturing industry for almost 30 years. Our clients span across Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka, relying on our expertise to streamline their operations.

For more information on Infor’s Warehouse Management solution, please contact Dilshan on +94 77 379 4200 (E:dilshanp@kingslake.com) or visit www.kingslake.com 

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