Eyeview Sri Lanka

SLIIT ICAC Conference 2023 concludes successfully marking milestones for excellence in computing research

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The International Conference on Advancements in Computing 2023 (ICAC) organized by the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT), Faculty of Computing for the 5th consecutive time, concluded recently after two successful days of paper presentations, workshops, and keynote speeches. The conference was supported through technical co-sponsorship by IEEE Sri Lanka.

ICAC serves as a platform for national and international researchers to showcase their research output, network, and initiate collaborative work. The conference attracted over 489 paper submissions from local and international researchers and industry experts. After a rigorous double-blind review process, 33% high-quality papers were selected for oral presentations. 

Each paper was evaluated by a panel of experienced researchers from renowned local and foreign universities who provided valuable feedback. The conference program also included 29 technical sessions and workshops on cutting-edge topics in the field of computing with enthusiastic participation from students and professionals.

In addition, the event facilitated knowledge on 12 different tracks spanning cutting-edge topics in computing such as advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, cyber security etc. Importantly, ICAC 2023 especially focused on how research in the field of computer science and information technology could strengthen economic sustainability in both local and global contexts. 

The conference featured two keynote speeches by eminent international speakers. Prof. Kazuo Kiguchi, from Kyushu University, Japan, spoke on the topic ‘Real-Time Estimation of Human Motion Intention and Generation of Artificial Motion Sensation. In his address he noted that “Enhancing human assistance systems involves real-time detection of user motion intention through methods like EMG or EEG, utilizing artificial neural networks. Additionally, generating artificial motion sensations, crucial for rehabilitation robots or VR games, employs kinesthetic illusion through vibration stimulation, ensuring effective support for diverse user needs.”

Prof. Roshan Ragel, University of Peradeniya elaborated on ‘AI for IoT: Emerging Trends and Future Directions’ He stated, “Exploring the synergy between AI and IoT in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, this keynote unveils emerging trends and future directions. From collaborative research at ESCAL to insights on AI for Next-Generation Computing, it emphasizes the need for efficient models and resilient architectures. With a holistic perspective on integration, the keynote envisions the transformative impact on sectors like healthcare and manufacturing, inspiring a responsible and sustainable roadmap for the digital era.”

ICAC has already been indexed in reputed citation databases, reflecting positively on the quality and impact of papers published in previous ICAC proceedings.

“We were delighted by the huge response received this year in terms of paper submissions and participants,” said Dr. Dasuni Nawinna, Associate Dean and General Chair ICAC 2023. “Going forward, we aim to bring more industry research into the 2024 conference enabling the software industry to present their innovative work and also increase international outreach further. The 6th ICAC is already being planned for December 2024. With the SLIIT 25th year celebrations, we hope to make it more impactful.”

The conference has benefited Sri Lanka and the wider community by providing a platform for researchers and academics from other countries to present their innovative work, thereby contributing to the exchange of knowledge and ideas. The event has also facilitated the recognition of Sri Lanka as a destination for academic conferences, leading to increased international participation and collaboration. 

Additionally, the conference has contributed to the development in various sectors such as agriculture, technology, healthcare, and education by showcasing findings and outputs that can be utilized for the country’s economic growth and sustainability. 

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