Eyeview Sri Lanka

Standard Chartered Sri Lanka staff champion volunteering initiatives purposefully serving communities

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Driving tangible community impact, Standard Chartered Sri Lanka actively encourages employees to prioritise volunteering and social engagement. Marking International Volunteer Day 2023, Standard Chartered Sri Lanka celebrates their employees’ exceptional dedication to community impact initiatives aligned to the Bank’s strategic priorities.

Impressively, 95.3% of staff have actively volunteered throughout the year to date while contributing 726 volunteering days, placing the Bank at the forefront in Asia and third globally among Standard Chartered entities for employee participation rate per country.

Employees participated enthusiastically in diverse volunteering activities including mentoring youth, conducting blood drives, distributing meals, visiting homes for the elderly & children, planting trees and organising beach clean-ups. The projects aimed at empowering vulnerable communities and supporting future generations. The level of engagement demonstrates the Bank’s commitment to harnessing its expertise towards community empowerment.

“At Standard Chartered Sri Lanka, we believe in empowering our employees to actively contribute to positive change through volunteering,” said Bingumal Thewarathanthri, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer. “It creates meaningful connections while enabling our people to apply their talents for society’s benefit. The incredible dedication of our team in helping communities makes us immensely proud. We remain committed to driving impactful outcomes by channelling our collective capabilities towards empowering communities in need.”

Anuk De Silva, Head of Corporate Affairs, Brand & Marketing, said: “Standard Chartered empowers each employee with the opportunity to actively contribute to making a difference through volunteering. The Bank promotes a culture of care by providing three days of paid volunteering leave per year and opportunities for employees to engage in volunteer activities of their choice. The initiative not only nurtures meaningful connections within communities but also facilitates skill development and provides fresh perspectives. Ultimately, it enriches employees and enhances the collective impact in the communities served.”

The Bank promotes economic inclusion in its markets, delivering community programmes aimed at tackling inequality, supporting young people, and encouraging entrepreneurship. Allowing staff to dedicate time and knowledge through volunteering makes a tangible difference while boosting employee purpose and morale. It also serves as a crucial element to harness the Bank’s knowledge and expertise for a positive impact on communities. Additionally, collaborating with local partners to drive social and economic development within society, further demonstrates the Bank’s commitment to operate as a sustainable and responsible entity.

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