Zone24x7, a leading provider of end-to-end technology consulting and engineering solutions, celebrates 18 years of weaving software and hardware into best-in-class solutions.
How it all Began
Pioneered in 2004 by Founder CEO Llavan Fernando and CFO Saw-Chin Fernando, Zone24x7 (Private) Limited was established in Colombo, Sri Lanka as an Advanced Technology Center offering highly-skilled engineering specialists and technology services. With its vision to enhance the emotional experience of everyone they touch, Zone24x7 continues to inspire and innovate, creating a better future for all.

Zone24x7 boasts of over 200+ associates with a wide array of expertise employed globally, specialized in offering a multitude of technology consulting and engineering services including Enterprise Software Application, Big Data and Data Science Engineering, Embedded Systems Engineering, Remote Monitoring and IoT, Machine Learning, Cognitive Vision, Robotics, and Innovation Services with Technology Proof of Concept Development.
Celebrating and Looking Ahead
Zone24x7 marks its 18th year anniversary on the 19th of January 2022, with a virtual celebration commending its associates for their continued support over the years and the years to come. Zone24x7 has also launched its new completely revamped website in light of the celebrations and continued innovativeness, presenting a new look and feel, highlighting the innovative solutions, and cutting-edge technologies it offers to help organizations achieve their core business objectives.
Providing updated insights into advanced technology solutions, Zone24x7 has continued to nurture over the years offering organizations carefully curated and transformative technology solutions backed by a strong commitment towards customer satisfaction.
About Zone24x7
Established in 2004 and headquartered in San Jose, California, Zone24x7 is an advanced Technology and Research Centre located and operating in Colombo, Sri Lanka, specialized in offering end-to-end technology consulting and engineering services encompassing both hardware and software.
Our sound Research and Development background means that we are constantly developing leading-edge technology solutions ahead of market needs. Our ability to meld hardware and software solutions places us among a handful of companies in the world with the ability to do so. Possessing over a decade of experience in handling over 50+ enterprise customers in a multitude of industries including Retail, Hi-tech, Banking and Financial Services, Telecommunications, Logistics and Manufacturing.
Connect with us today to discover which of our best-in-class engineering solutions would suit your core business needs. Visit today.