Citizens Development Business Finance PLC presents ‘Glocalization of HRM Practices for Business Resilience’ at 06th International CIPM Research Symposium 2022

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Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) presented a paper at the ‘Case Study’ session of the recently concluded 06th International CIPM Research Symposium 2022; on the best practices followed at CDB to face the unprecedented COVID-19 challenge. The theme of this year’s Research Symposium, ‘Glocalization of HRM Practices for Business Resilience’, focused on the effectiveness of HRM practices in the performance of private, public, and NGO sector organizations locally and internationally.

Chathuri Weththasinghe, Deputy Manager – HR of Citizens Development Business Finance PLC, presenting the case study at the symposium on behalf of the organisation.

Titled “Resilience amid challenges”, the paper studied how CDB prepared for and successful responded to the crisis. In the study, CDB discusses its agility and proactive decision-making skills which ensured that the team, their families, and CDB customers were healthy and safe, while honouring its commitments to stakeholders and ensuring the continuity of business operations. The study further explains how CDB understood that green recovery and being more sustainable and inclusive societies and economies; are the keys to a resilient future. The case study presented at the forum also added that CDB reaffirmed its commitment for sustainable growth and maintained focus on long- term sustained value creation leading towards a green economy, during the time of a global challenge.

U.A.C. Obeysekara, Chief Executive Officer/Director Business Operations of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka presents a plaque to Chathuri Weththasinghe, Deputy Manager – HR of Citizens Development Business Finance PLC with Prof. Prasadini Gamage, Symposium Chair –  06th International CIPM Research Symposium 2022.

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