HNB FINANCE successfully hosts competition for World Photography Day

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Capturing the essence of, and celebrating the art, craft, science and history of photography, Sri Lanka’s leading integrated financial services provider HNB FINANCE PLC recently hosted a social media competition for World Photography Day, giving followers the chance to win amazing prizes.

Commenting on the competition, HNB FINANCE PLC Marketing Head Udara Gunasinghe said: “As much as we work towards ensuring a superior financial service towards our clientele, we also believe that life’s precious moments are meant to be captured and celebrated. This World Photography Day, we wanted to give you a chance to be rewarded for capturing those moments that matter the most to you.”

To enter the competition, participants were required to follow HNB FINANCE’s Facebook and Instagram handles, and follow a few simple instructions.

Whether it’s a random act of kindness, a precious moment with family or a moment from an adventure, anyone could use a picture they thought would reiterate their passion for photography, whether it was professionally captured through a DSLR camera or even a phone camera.

The contest concluded on August 18, 2022, and winners were announced on August 19, 2022. Accordingly, the winners were picked based on creativity and engagement per photograph, and were rewarded with prizes.

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