We wish to inform our customers, shareholders and the general public that, we have initiated legal action against those who originated and circulated a malicious statement containing a false message on Social Media and WhatsApp groups in a bid to willfully discredit and bring disrepute to the Prime Group of Companies and its Board of Directors.
We at Prime Group condemn such behavior by any individual or group of people.
As the market leader in the Real Estate Industry, we stand firm in leading by good example. As a reputed organization for its credibility, we are bound by our ethos in creating an environment that promotes our stakeholders to be secured with the utmost confidence in the Real Estate Industry and its people. We believe that anyone should be thoughtful in sounding their voice and avoid discrediting any entity for personal gain.
We reiterate that the Prime Group is managed with the highest level of corporate governance and consistently maintains a very strong financial position. This is reaffirmed by the latest rating upgrade assigned to the Prime Group by the Independent Rating Agency ICRA LANKA LIMITED (Subsidiary of Moody’s Investors Service) from SL [A-] to SL[A] stable in April 2022. All our stakeholders consider this rating as one of the greatest achievements under the prevailing circumstances.
As a responsible corporate citizen, Prime Group with an unblemished record of over 26-years is now financially stronger than ever before and remains committed to serve our valuable customers in creating a better place on earth.