Tokyo Cement Group reinforced the long-standing partnership with the Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka (SSESL) for 2023, with the Sole Sponsorship of the Question Time Programme for the month of May. At the forum, Eng. Prof. Kushan Wijesundara from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya delivered a lecture on ‘Response of Shear Critical Reinforced Concrete Elements’. Over sixty participants representing engineering undergraduates, practicing structural engineers, and construction sector professionals were present at this event, held at the Wimalasurendra Auditorium of the Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL).

President, Eng. (Mrs.) Tharangika Jayasundara, Vice President, Eng. Ananda Senarath, Immediate Past President, Eng. Nandana Abeysuriya, Past President, Eng. Srilal Sahabandu Secretary, Eng. D.T. Rajasekaran, Treasurer, Eng. L. Gunawickrama and Committee Member, Eng. Dr. Nihal Somaratna, of SSESL were among the prominent industry experts and eminent academics present at the event. Eng. Prof. Kushan Wijesundara in his presentation discussed the importance and methodologies of predicting the behaviour of reinforced concrete structural elements by analyzing the Axial–Flexure–Shear (N-M-V) interaction. He illustrated several approaches using Eurocode 2, numerical tools, and analytical models on how to ascertain the phenomenon, citing real-world case studies, garnering much enthusiasm from the participants.
The Question Time is a monthly knowledge-sharing session organized by the SSESL, a professional body representing practicing engineers and academics in the field of structural engineering in Sri Lanka. It is a forum not only for professional and student members but also for the general public to discuss new technological trends and developments in structural engineering, sharing knowledge among like-minded industry experts. Distinguished engineering doyens in the field and renowned academics from leading university engineering faculties share their experiences and knowledge at each session, where the latest scientific findings and case study experience in modern engineering solutions are presented. These Question Time programmes are one of the Continuous Professional Development programmes conducted by SSESL on the last Tuesday of every month for the last three decades, to encourage and add value to its membership engagement. It is an opportunity for corporate industry partners to permeate new ideas that are trending in structural engineering with the professional fraternity.
Tokyo Cement Group, being a long-standing corporate partner for the SSESL for over a decade, renewed the affiliation for 2023 by undertaking to be the sole sponsor of four Question Time Programmes and the Annual Sessions in the Society’s annual event calendar. As part of this far-reaching professional partnership, Tokyo Cement aims to create fresh dialogue on the latest developments in the construction industry by bringing in field experts to discuss a range of timely topics. As Sri Lanka’s largest manufacturer of cement, concrete, and cement-based innovative products, Tokyo Cement Group is delighted to deepen the partnership with the SSESL. By becoming a prime sponsor of the pre-eminent professional body, the Company aims to facilitate world-class knowledge sharing to inspire our professionals who play a vital role in uplifting the local construction industry. –/
Eng. (Mrs.) Tharangika Jayasundara, President, Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka addressing the gathering | Eng. Prof. Kushan Wijesundara, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya presenting at the QT Programme | |
Participants at the Society of Structural Engineers’ May QT Programme sponsored by the Tokyo Cement Group |