Union Bank hosted its annual Avurudu celebrations on Saturday (28) at Ape Gama, Battaramulla. The event was a celebration to welcome the Sinhala and Tamil New Year in April. The staff from the head office and branches attended the event and participated in the games and traditions of this auspicious festival of the year.

The celebrations were full of fun and excitement and the event was vibrant with staff dressed in colourful and traditional attire. The pageantry for the Union Bank Avurudu Kumara and Avurudu Kumariya was a key highlight with many showing their talents to win the likeness of the judges. The captivating personalities and performances made it hard for the judge’s panel. However, with much cheer and joy, Dulshan Indeewara from the Borella branch and Dhaneshini Udari from Card Operations were crowned the Union Bank Avurudu Kumara and Kumariya for 2023.
No rain could shun the glitz and glamour or stop the staff from engaging in the competitive range of Avurudu games. All who joined enjoyed a plethora of traditional food along with a scrumptious dinner buffet, music and dancing. The event was organised by the Union Bank Sports Club.